Truth Honey has been on the rise in making groundbreaking achievements in the health industry as we know it. In response to their hard work and dedication to the local community, Fulton County awarded Truth Honey with the Blue-Ribbon Award for demonstrating excellence, change and improvement in the community. This program entails partnering with Elementary through Colleges across the county teaching students, teachers, and parents about the benefits of Bees and Agriculture and getting the school STEM/STEAM Certified. It is no secret that beyond the creation of honey, the most remarkable feat of a honeybee is pollination. Transporting pollen favors fertilization and the formation of fruits and seeds which we all consume. Our ecosystem and biodiversity depend on it. Without a doubt, the importance of bees in the ecosystem must be recognized and Truth Honey is dedicated to not only creating a sustainable elegant brand that honors the Honeybee but also spreading awareness on the Honeybees’ unique role in our environment.